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November is American Diabetes Awareness Month

By : on : December 1, 2020 comments : (Comments Off on November is American Diabetes Awareness Month)

We probably all know someone that has diabetes. 34.2 million Americans are diagnosed with diabetes. That’s a rate of more than 1 in 10 Americans.  The American Diabetes Association estimates that 1 in 3 Americans are considered pre-diabetic. Think about how many people are in your family and these numbers become staggering. Type 2 diabetes makes up 95% of all those with diabetes. Why are these statistics so important to be aware of and to take notice? People diagnosed with diabetes are 2 to 4 times more likely to die of heart disease related effects from diabetes. However, diabetes is preventable and treatable.

While these numbers can seem daunting, everyone has the power to make healthier choices and control their outcomes with diabetes. As with any illness, it is important to work closely with your doctor if you are not feeling well, or especially if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association offers people hope, help and support. During this month they even have several virtual events that you can participate in to become healthier and take a more active role in your ability to manage your diabetes. Check out www.diabetes.org for more information.

So what are some of the steps you can take to prevent a diabetes diagnosis or reduce your risks of diabetes related consequences? Making healthy choices with your nutrition to create a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight are 2 of the biggest things you can control to set yourself up for success. Daily exercise and activity is also an important factor in your health, as is refraining from using tobacco. These are all lifestyle tips that everyone can benefit from and can help you prevent a diabetes diagnosis for you or a family member. If you do already have a diabetes diagnosis, following these steps and the specific directions of your doctor, can prevent or delay any health consequences related to diabetes or disease progression.

During November as we pay special attention to diabetes awareness, it is important to note that you are in control! You have the opportunity to thrive, not just get by, and live a full life despite a diabetes diagnosis. Diabetes is a disease that can be treated and adverse health effects can be avoided if you make the choice to live a healthier lifestyle today for a healthier tomorrow.If you need help managing your diabetes, contact your doctor. You can also work with a nutritionist or contact the American Diabetes Association for more information. Affinity Home Care Agency works every day to help people manage their diabetes and the effects the progression of diabetes has had on their life. Call us today if you or your loved one needs help. We always offer a free assessment to see how we can help you. 1-888-806-8773. Welcome to the family!

Affinity Home Care Office


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